What a beautiful wedding...what a beautiful evening.
Emily and Simon welcomed over one hundred family and friends to their wedding at the Bonnet House in Fort Lauderdale Saturday evening.
After weeks and weeks of really nasty weather the evening was warm and sunny as Emily walked down that long tree covered lane. Her attendants consisted of two lovely bridesmaids, one really adorable little flower girl, who forgot to drop the petals until the last minute, and three little boys who diligently played their roles. Very cute. Simon and his two groomsmen looked quite handsome as they awaited, with me, the arrival of Emily. She was lovely. Such a nice couple and what a nice group of guests. Emily , Simon and many of the guests very graciously complimented the ceremony. I feel a big obligation to preparing and delivering a ceremony that is special and memorable for bride and groom as well as those in attendance. When I hear that the ceremony was lovely and meaningful I know I have done my job well.
After the ceremony the bride and groom gathered in the beautiful courtyard of Bonnet House for a cocktail hour before having dinner under a canopy overlooking the fresh water lagoon that is situated between the house and the back of the property which runs along the west side of A1A just south of Sunrise Blvd.
Any event at the Bonnet House is very special and elegant. The volunteers and the paid staff, dressed in their black and white, are everywhere to handle the needs of the guests. Nicole, the events planner keeps everything running smoothly and volunteer tram drivers meet the guests in the parking lot and transport them to the front door.
If you are planning a wedding and your budget allows for a great venue I highly recommend the bonnet house.