What a really super group of people. The really amazing thing about doing weddings is that in most cases I only meet them at the wedding. And of course I meet their guests at the wedding as well. Many times there are no guest or only a couple and in other cases, as this wedding turned out to be there are quite a few guests.
As you can see by the picture on the left we had a nice gathering, on the beach, with the surf and the sand and a single palm tree. What you can't see is an arch which the group is surrounding in the picture.
It was a very windy day and I was worried that the arch would blow over (they are inclined to do that) but the guys that set it up piled enough sand around the base to hold it in place.
James was the nervous groom type, told me in advance he didn't want to say much so I did most of the talking and only gave him a small part. He seemed happy with the way it turned out.
Elizabeth looked lovely in her white gown and seemed much more at ease then her groom.
When I arrived at their hotel about 30 minutes before the appointed time James met me looking far too casual for a groom...told me he wouldn't be getting married in his t-shirt and shorts. True to his word, somehow within a short time, after supervising some of the setup he disappeared and came back looking like a groom...and nervous.
The day was looking very much like rain. I was keeping my fingers crossed and asking "are they almost ready, we don't want to get rained on?" As is usually my luck the rain held off and if not for a high rise apartment which was blocking the sun we would have had a beautifully sunny evening. I lightened the photos a little, it wasn't quite that sunny. But we made it. got them married and I was off with my grandson Nate (who was visiting from Palm Bay) for dinner on the Broadwalk.
Elizabeth and James were both lovely people as were their guests. So many times I leave these weddings thinking how nice it would be to get to know the people better. But that's not the way things work out so I just enjoy meeting very nice people in passing and move on to the next.
I am finding that if I make certain to take a couple of quick shorts with my Iphone and then blog about each wedding I am creating a memory of the people I meet. It's a cool thing to do.
Actually with this Blogspot the opportunity exists to have your blog made into a book so perhaps Iwill just create volumes. I wish I had done this years ago.
Oh well better late than never.
Congratulations Elizabeth and James and say hi to all your lovely guests.